Enigma2 Plugins XStreamity - V2.xx Streaming iPTV Versiyonlari

XStreamity V4.69

More amends to vod downloader to prevent false Error being shown.
Better handling of files where the server doesn't have file content-length
Removal of files from the downloader screen if they have been deleted/moved from the download location.
A reminder deleting files from the downloader screen, does not delete them from the download location.​

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XStreamity V4.70
Small update.
Slight amend to the allowed format of API data. It should be JSON, but some editors bring it back as plain text.
So now check for JSON, if that fails see if plain text data can be parsed as JSON.​

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XStreamity V4.71
Null expiry lines now show up as Expiry: Null and not blank
A bit of a code refactoring too.

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XStreamity V4.72
Download Manager amends.​

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XStreamity V4.73

Minor bug fix​

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