Enigma2 Plugins XStreamity - V2.xx Streaming iPTV Versiyonlari

Update 02.04.2020

Download VOD and Series

● Triggered by Record Button on Vod/Series Category pages.
● Download folder needs to be set in main settings (i.e. - media/hdd/movies )
● No notification of when download complete though
● Can download multi files at once
● Not to sure if you can download Cyrillc(Russian) or Greek as I have no code to convert these channel names to a valid filename. Only tested on English and European channels.


● Triggered by EPG button on Vod/Series Category pages.
● Alternative IMDB information if provider info is missing or incorrect. Or you just want an alternative to the The Movie Database info. (TMDB)
● Not to sure if this works with Pure2. Does that have standard IMDB? or just the new funky IMDB.

Support for Subsupport DVB plugin if you have it installed on your box

● Triggered by sub button on VOD Player
● Allows the downloading of subtitles for any film in any language. Subtitles do not need to be embedded into the stream.
● Subsupport DVB plugin can be a little buggy. Had a few crashes caused by that plugin, not my plugin

● Fixed search causing a crash on some images


Ekli dosyalar

X-STREAMITY - Multi Xtreams Playlist Player 1.21.07042020

- The skin background code was slowing the plugin down. Fixed it and is now as fast as it used to be.
- Catchup default stream type changed back to 4097
- Fixed overlapping of labels on back button
- Fixed active/max connections amber LED.
- Added in Recording option on Live player.
- Press Record Button on playing stream. Enter dates and times.
- Can have multiple downloads
- But be warned no recording conflict test.
- Changed the default download location to that of your boxes default movie folder. So no longer has to be primarily set.
- Added in front display info for boxes that have it
- Not all info is available though like event info and progress
- Fixed Play/Pause/FF/RW icons not working correctly on inforbars

Ekli dosyalar

happy new year for all.
i will install this plugin in my dm800hdse, but give me this error:

ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity:
* python-image * python-imaging * python-argparse *
* Cannot find package enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity.

can anyone help me?
happy new year for all.
i will install this plugin in my dm800hdse, but give me this error:

ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity:
* python-image * python-imaging * python-argparse *
* Cannot find package enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity.

can anyone help me?
What is image your STB?