## r82-hellboy-V55
- [CLN] Removed Description Information, because of parse and user error by config file change better to remove this
- [CLN] Removed minhits and minreplies for clustercache
- [FIX] fixed total severs number on homepage
- [FIX] iptables fix to work with any kind of path
- [ENH] added sort by ECMOK on servers page and same time fixed the sort it there is containing percentage will be sorted by it
- [FIX] failban for cccam failed logins only appeared in alert and not banned, now it will ban as it should
- [ENH] search function now will show you the static content always like in newcamd clients the profile(s) to be more clear the result and where belongs to
- [ENH] SMS moved next to used profiles so you don't have to scroll to bottom to use SMS funtionality
- [ENH] if you are using GENERATERUNTIMESIDS, the table with sids can be sorted
- [ENH] added all kind of SIDs LIST and ECM info to profile details page
- [FIX] cs378x Cacheex now working with trunk version of oscam
- [FIX] nodeid now complete random or set via config by CCCAM NODEID: ! note: recommended to set your nodid in your config.
- [ENH] play(start) button for non hb removed
- [CLN] Removed Description Information, because of parse and user error by config file change better to remove this
- [CLN] Removed minhits and minreplies for clustercache
- [FIX] fixed total severs number on homepage
- [FIX] iptables fix to work with any kind of path
- [ENH] added sort by ECMOK on servers page and same time fixed the sort it there is containing percentage will be sorted by it
- [FIX] failban for cccam failed logins only appeared in alert and not banned, now it will ban as it should
- [ENH] search function now will show you the static content always like in newcamd clients the profile(s) to be more clear the result and where belongs to
- [ENH] SMS moved next to used profiles so you don't have to scroll to bottom to use SMS funtionality
- [ENH] if you are using GENERATERUNTIMESIDS, the table with sids can be sorted
- [ENH] added all kind of SIDs LIST and ECM info to profile details page
- [FIX] cs378x Cacheex now working with trunk version of oscam
- [FIX] nodeid now complete random or set via config by CCCAM NODEID: ! note: recommended to set your nodid in your config.
- [ENH] play(start) button for non hb removed