I need bin files.. No multicsone ...You need a orginal card en you need a invitation code for multicsone
Yess... Realy...Realy.....?
Get the fuck out of there, I'm already staying in the Netherlands. There are 30000 members in that forum, and 10 people have a local card. Most of them are selling, SiBuK, @VFL , and the admin of the place and you.. If you are aware, the name of the place is multics forum. There is no local card in Multics. Go away, do your work.
You have been banned for the following reason: 15. Invite only people from Europe and only with local card(s). All invited users found not fulfilled this criteria will be Banned (Permanent) without warning and who has invited the invite right will be deactivated.
thank you mate..you can stay on HB58 and to get off this popup and to have again your editor and restart botton
its easy my friends
add this to the settings and restart
enjoy :D
Hi, need api codeI Have MulTİCS V59 Config and bin files here.. but never works..